Sizes guide
- The scrissor sign next to a size means it can be cut out from that slice of thermal pad. It is not the actual size! Example: 80x40x2mm
- One dimension size means it’s the thickness of that pad. Example: 1mm
- Two or three dimension sizes – with no scrissor sign – means it’s most probably an actual size. Example 100x14x1.5mm
About sizes
Sizes you find here come from various sources. Most of them reported by my clients whom successfully replaced their GPUs’ factory thermal pads with high quality aftermarket pads – getting significant results in their temperature drop. Some of these sizes are actual measurements and others just collected from random users on such websites like Reddit, YouTube or official / unofficial forums.
Do your own research
Please note that I cannot take any responsibility for the sizes appearing here. Do your own research as well before buying and replacing anything.
- Make sure your pads and GPU die contacts well with the heatsink.
- Always test your graphic cards and devices in controlled environment.
Dados da vram estão incorretos
qual seria o correto?
Thickness is 1mm all over on the front side. Post has been fixed, sorry for the mistake.
Короче у кого такие карты с черной подложкой между радиатором и памятью. С ОБОИХ сторон на подложке на память нужно ставить 0.5мм. 1мм МНОГО! ГПУ не достает до охлада. И юзайте мягкие термопрокладки типа Одиссеев
In short, who has such cards with a black subplate between the heatsink and the memory. On BOTH sides on the subplate for memory, you need to put 0.5mm. 1mm is a LOT! The GPU doesn’t get cold enough. And use soft thermal pads like Odyssey
Cargueira Tech
In video, the thickness of the pads is about 2.0mm. What is the correct thickness??
Vram thickness 0,5mm is correct. At least for “card with black subplate between the heatsink and the memory”, as was written above. Same for gw 3080 phantom.
I changed recently. I used 0.5mm on each for both plate and subplace and it worked fine.
I changed pads with gelid extreme, VRAM 2mm, others 1mm, but now VRAM goes after some seconds to 100 degrees.. it´s more bad then before. Which size best for Gainward 3080 Phoenix ?
1 mm is needed for the VRAM; 0.5 mm is too thin because the VRAM is at 1 mm below the GPU, so if you use 0,5 your vram will not contact to the backplate. 2mm is to thick.
I just replaced the VRAM pad and it goes from 100 degrees to 85 max in game.
So you used 1mm all over? Thank you!